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Tape worms used for dieting

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May 30, 2009
Posts: 387

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On the Dr.'s show today(7/13/10) they gave info about how it is the trend in asia for women to be as thin as possible.So given this new trend it is occuring in Hong Kong especially,that the women are using parasites including tape worms to lose weight.This is so very,very sad.It is known that some of these parasites can take over your liver completely as in eating it out.You can become nauseated,suffer sleeplessness,irritability,among so many other problems.They may take it to stay in the stomach but these parasites very seldom stay in one place in the body.God help us please..Please ladies and gentlemen don't do this to yourself,it isn't worth it not even if the alternative means dieing alone....GBU all[/b]

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October 1, 2009
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Now I didn't see the show, but I have heard of this. And of course it is very dangerous. I mean well first of all the tape worm takes all your nutrients, so you are going be quick to tire and have a loss of energy, which you have said. But also the worm will multiply in you and can actually migrate all over, even winding up in your lungs.
I remember seeing a documentary about it. That people were using tape worms to lose alot of weight, and wound up dieing

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`The lengths some people go to just to lose weight are astonishing. I don't know how anyone could do that to their body.

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May 30, 2009
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`I would dare to venture a guess that these girls and boys have seen and heard the verbal attacks on overweight people and can't even consider the possibility of it happening to them.I guess the fear outweighs the risks for some.

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I actually watched this on the Tyra show yesterday. I find it so extreme it's ridiculous. Why risk your life to be thinner? These type of 'diets' do more damage than good. Society and the media should try to promote that no matter what you look like people are beautiful in their own way. That's why I love Tyra and her body beautiful program.

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May 30, 2009
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`I agree fully poisonedxkisses.The media does play an awful lot into the whole scheme of things.I mean when a models diet consist of champange and cocaine then that should have been a really big red flag for society but apparantly the money was the ruling factor there.

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